New LPs

To form a new Limited Partnership in the State of Nevada, the following documents will need to be filed with the Nevada Secretary of State:

  • Certificate of Limited Partnership
  • Initial List of General Partners and State Business License

Certificate of Limited Partnership

The Certificate of Limited Partnership is the formal document which will create your Nevada LP.

In order to complete the Certificate of Limited Partnership you will need the following information:

  • The name of the LP
  • Who will serve as your Nevada Registered Agent
  • The predetermined dissolution date (this is optional)
  • The name and mailing address of each General Partner

Once you have this information, you will be able to move forward with the formation of your Nevada LP. The Nevada Secretary of State has created a convenient template which they require you to use for your Certificate of Limited Partnership. This template can be downloaded from the "Business Center" of the Nevada Secretary of State's web site.

Initial List of General Partners & Nevada State Business License

In addition to your Certificate of Limited Partnership, the Nevada Secretary of State also requires that you file an Initial List of General Partners (or simply "Initial List").

Included with the Initial List filing is also the payment for the Nevada State Business License. Essentially, you will file one document which will fulfill two State requirements.

It is very important that the Initial List be filled out and filed on time. Without it, your Nevada Limited Partnership is not complete in the eyes of the Nevada Secretary of State. Many people inadvertently over look this document and end up having to pay additional late fees. At Nevada Business Services we have found that it's often best to file your Initial List of General Partners at the same time as your Certificate of Limited Partnership when ever possible. This helps to ensure that all filing requirements are met as soon as the LP is formed.